November normally is a month for giving thanks. We have a scheduled election day, Veterans Day for remembering those who have served this country, and of course Thanksgiving Day for being thankful. Still, the Mensa experience continues to change because of the social and economic disruptions resulting from this most recent pandemic. With this in mind, let’s take a look at what’s happening around Mid-America Mensa.

MAM’s new members are invited as our special guests for a casual and informative Zoom Room Party emceed by Local Secretary (& Master of Ceremony) Kim Jackowski. New MAM members can join us for this unique opportunity to:  meet other local members, introduce yourself, learn about what’s happening around Mid-America Mensa, and simply have conversation and fun. This virtual event is scheduled for Saturday, November 7th, 2020 at 7:00 pm and will last an hour or two. You can email any questions about our New Member Party, and please RSVP, to Jean Plumb at [email protected]. MAM looks forward to seeing all of our new members!

MAM’s Nominating Committee is working hard to select a slate of candidates for the 2021-2022 MAM Board. Please contact any of the committee members if you are interested in serving on the board. See the November Mension for additional notes about this topic. The proposed slate of candidates will be published in the December 2020 Mension.

Finally, private (or electronic) testing is a new, convenient way to take the Mensa Admission Test. In addition to Local Group testing and Prior Evidence submission, candidates for Mensa membership will soon be able to schedule a private test session at one of the more than 600 nationwide testing facilities available through a new partner, Prometric. Candidates will still sign up and pay for test sessions – both Local Group and private sessions – by paying a visit to: The fee for private testing is $99 and will not be subject to any of the standard discounts offered on Local Group testing. However, electronic testing does offer some candidates the flexibility to schedule admission testing when it’s convenient for them. Follow this link for more information about private (electronic) testing: