April is usually a month when we can maybe see what may be just about to happen. April showers bring May flowers, right? This month can be exciting in other ways too if you think about it, and if you are willing and able to look for the beauty coming out all around. Many new opportunities are just about to spring up before us here in Mid-America Mensa.
First, MAM’s walkabout is about walking. If you want to come and get physical with a group of other members, then join us at Roe Park, 10400 Roe Ave. in Overland Park, KS, on Saturday April 6th, 11:00 am. Check out the April Mension for more details (and the right contact info).
Next up, the very first event of MAM’s new Full Moon SciFi SIG (Special Interest Group) will be RiffTrax Live: Octaman. For those who are interested, this event will be at the AMC Town Center 20, 119th & Nall Ave. in Leawood, KS, on April 18th, 7:00 pm.
Tickets are available online at: https://www.atomtickets.com/checkout/310883043#/tickets
Also, seats are filling up fast! We currently have the block of seats from E3 to E8. If you wish to sit near the group then consider getting seats near this block.
Finally, if drinking and enjoying coffee, or rather caffeine, is your thing, then check out the April Mension for more details (and the right contact info) about the Caffeine Crawl. This year’s spring crawl is April 26-28. We’ll be looking for a route to take together on Saturday morning, April 27th. It’ll be a good time!