The Book Lovers book club will meet on Sunday, February 9, 2014, at 2:30 pm at the home of [Editor’s note: Host’s name and address omitted].
The Book Lovers book club meets on the second Sunday at the same time and location each month, you are encouraged to mark your calendar for the entire year, and plan on attending. No reservations are necessary.
Book Lovers book club is ostensibly sponsored by the Mid America Chapter of Mensa, although you do not need to be a member of Mensa to attend, nor are you required to join Mensa to attend.
Please bring whatever book or books you have read during the past month to discuss with the group. No specific book or books are assigned, bring whatever you have enjoyed reading during the prior month, and come to Book Lovers prepared to discuss what you’ve read. This is an “eats and treats” gathering so bringing food, particularly desserts, or a bottle of wine is encouraged. Wine will be served, and you will endear yourself to the group by bringing your favorite “eats and treats” to share. Desserts seem to be the most in demand; celery and carrot sticks or anything remotely healthy, less so.