Mid-America Mensa (MAM) is asking for a hand with the approval of its most recently proposed Bylaws Revisions. MAM’s Bylaws were last revised (and approved) in 1998. Now, on September 7th, 2018, we have received approval from the American Mensa Committee (AMC) Bylaws Review Committee for the revised Bylaws – as approved by the MAM Board on August 9th, 2018. This approved set of Bylaws will bring our local bylaws into compliance with the AMC’s Minimum Standard Bylaws (MSB). https://www.us.mensa.org/lead/policydocuments/minimum-standard-bylaws/

Every member must now be given the opportunity to review and vote yea or nay. If approved, these recently proposed bylaws revisions will be taken as the Bylaws of Mid-America Mensa. If not approved, we are still bound to follow AMC’s Minimum Standard Bylaws. Hence, your ballot will soon be included in the next (November 2018) issue of the Mension. Details regarding the voting process will be included with the ballot. So, as a member of Mid-America Mensa, your vote counts in an important sense and way. Thus, now is a good time when you can help us shape the present and future of Mid-America Mensa.

Editor’s Note: Special thanks to the Mension editors for some of the information included here, and especially to MAM’s Board and AMC’s Bylaws Review Committee for giving us this historic opportunity to exercise our participation and vote.